Adviser of Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Javier Fiz Perez PhD
Graduated in Philosophy, Psychology, and Social Bioethics, obtaining a specialization in Executive Business Administration (EMBA). He has been an Academic Visitor at Oxford University (UK) and a Full Professor at APRA (Italy). Currently, he is a Professor at the European University of Rome, where he collaborates as Co-Director of a Master in Finance and Welfare. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Academic Senate of the Accademia Tiberina. He is the Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the International School of Economics and Ethics (Italy) and collaborates with the International Academy for Economic and Social Development (AISES), for which he has been Vice President for Spain and Latin America. He is a member of several scientific journal committees and Director of the International Network for Social and Integrated Development (INSID). He has over 200 national and international publications and is also a member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals. He is also the International Director for Development in Italy, Spain, and Latin America for SoEI - UK (Society of Emotional Intelligence - UK), and a member of the International Society of Business Leadership (ISOBL – USA). He is Co-Chair of Emerging Markets - SME Connect European Community and Chair for Latin America at SME Connect European Community, being a Fellow SME Europe Expert Member and Special Advisor for "The Future of Work" at SME Connect Platform Economy WG. He is President of OSIERS (Hispano-American Observatory for the Development of Real Economy and Sustainability) and Vice President of Core Values Org. and the International Institute ICEPS.
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