Our Company and our Group stand out for a large portfolio of references, the result of knowledge and collaboration with professionals, entrepreneurs and important organizations.
Here we present a selection of these, which bears witness to the excellence and commitment that characterize our joint efforts.

Fabio Oreste ஃ
Luxemburg CEO - Entelekeia Fund Founder/Manager - Quantum Trading School

Michele Castoro
Bosnia Deputy General Manager
Eximbank/Intesa Sanpaolo

Mario Serpillo
Italy President - Unione Coltivatori Italiani

Edison Salomao
SWS Bank

Eugenio Ferrari
Italy Engineer President ASSORETIPMI Owner Groups "RETI DI IMPRESE PMI"

Mauro Broda
Italy President International Consular Institute

Angelo Mistretta ஃ
Italy Managing Director of Affiliated High SchoolOrder of King Solomon - Ambassador

Antonio Carlos Gomez ஃ
Brazil President & CEO - Presença Group Chief Commercial Officer - CCO BRAZIL DFD

Rodney Kinkaid
Ireland - Ohio USA - Italy CEO - Balmoral Financial Director presso Roddy Kincaid Opera Art

Hugo Javier Paredes Fernandez
Chile Founder and Director - Aurumagna Executive Director - Atlántida Investments

Riccardo Quacquarelli
Italy General Manager presso QRCOM

Claudio Miguel Barros ஃ
Brazil Business and Financial Consultant CEO CEG Consulting Office

Rodrigo Gutierrez Arce
Bolivia Economist MA in Banking and FinancePhD in Financial Economics

Robinson Miranda Ospina
Colombia Owner - Mineria Progreso Owner - Mineria La Importa

Ricardo Lima Seixas
Brazil Engineer
Consultant for several States in Brazil

Nelson Jose Carreno Diaz
Venezuela Owner & Director Construcion Acero

Fernando Teles Varela
Brazil Engineer
CEO Celcret

Franco Torchia
Italy President Aista Founder Readling Media & Entertainment

Erasmo Stefano Mercurio
General Councilor
Institute Diplomatique Lugano

Marcello Plantamura ஃ
Italia - Malta Owner Opera & C. Director IDEA PLAN

William Gutierrez
Venezuela Architect Manager GADP

Manuel Carvalho
Portugal Consul H. Ivory Coast

Vincenzo Cicciù ஃ
United Kingdom Chairman Phoenixbcs-Group CEO at New Busines Worldwide Uk

Luis Alfonso Chavez Silva
Mexico CEO & Founder SaluDirecta

Elena Dodi
Italy Engineer Quality Manager - T.T.N. SpA Vittuone