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with useless requests for information.

A serious doctor does not propose a medicine, a treatment or an operation without having visited the "patient", without being able to analyze any tests prescribed, without being able to accurately diagnose the "patient's" needs.

PROYTEC PANAMA Corp. does not give any information, does not give any advice, does not offer any possibility to those who first do not feel committed to supporting their project.

By company decision, we are not interested in an interview with anyone who is not willing to pay even a small investment for advice.

Those who want information, assistance, free advice will certainly not be willing to invest in a serious development strategy or even just to protect their assets.

Essential Requirements


To apply for funding, investment or any other financial transaction for a project, the PROYTEC PANAMA Corp. recruitment protocol includes the prerequisites that must be met.

First of all, it is advisable to be accompanied, advised and supported by a Director, a Member of the Scientific Committee or an Agent of PROYTEC PANAMA Corp.

Requests from the PROYTEC PANAMA Corp. network take precedence, even if all requests are parsed successfully.

The second prerequisite is that the project is fully compliant with ESG principles, that it is compliant with the principles established by PROYTEC PANAMA Corp. and that it guarantees economic (ROI), social and ecological utility.

The third prerequisite is that the client is willing to bear the costs that will be communicated to him for professional fees, administrative costs (including the performance of due diligence on companies, managers and partners) and any site inspections.

If the customer is unable to accept, confirm and meet these requirements, PROYTEC PANAMA Corp. will not accept the application.

Step-by-Step Process


To start the procedure, the customer must first send the CIS / KYC and a QUESTIONNAIRE.

If the QUESTIONNAIRE shows that the company is financeable for the project it intends to present, or there may be interest in an investment, or a financial engineering / structured finance path can be built, the customer must submit the APPLICATION with the BUSINESS PLAN and all the documents requested in the APPLICATION Form

If the customer believes an NCNDA is required, he may download, complete and sign this ‘guarantee’ and send it to us together with all other documents.We do not believe an NCNDA is necessary, we do not ask questions that would reveal proprietary information, and we have no interest in appropriating customer projects.


The following documents are also important for Due Diligence.

Normally, Due Diligence is carried out by the Financial Institution that finances the Project or invests in the Company.

If this Financial Institution appoints PROYTEC PANAMA Corp., it may entrust the performance of Due Diligence to Companies, Professionals or Technicians in the sector, in a relationship of trust, partnership or association with PROYTEC PANAMA Corp. itself.

The BUSINESS PLAN REPORT is a strategic document that details the objectives, strategies, and actions necessary to start and grow a business. It includes an overview of the company, market analysis, a description of the products or services offered, and marketing and sales strategies. This document is essential for attracting investors and securing funding, as it demonstrates the feasibility and growth potential of the business.
The FINANCIAL PLAN is a crucial component of the Business Plan that provides a detailed projection of the company's expected revenues, expenses, profits, and losses. It includes balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, and helps plan the financial resources needed to achieve business goals. The FINANCIAL PLAN is fundamental for assessing the economic sustainability of the business and making informed financial management decisions.
The NON-FINANCIAL REPORT highlights ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) metrics, essential for analyzing an organization, its activities, and its purpose.ENVIRONMENTAL METRICS evaluate the environmental impact of the organization's activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions and the use of natural resources.SOCIAL METRICS concern labor practices, human rights, diversity and inclusion, and employee health and safety.GOVERNANCE METRICS assess the management structure, transparency, corporate ethics, and internal control practices.These ESG metrics are crucial for financial institutions, providing a comprehensive view of an organization's non-financial performance. They help make informed investment decisions and assess long-term risks and opportunities.
The QUESTIONNAIRE, the APPLICATION with all the required DOCUMENTS indicated in the Application, and the NON-FINANCIAL REPORT are integral parts of the DUE DILIGENCE process. From these, it emerges whether the company can be financed for the purpose it intends to present, whether there may be interest in a financial intervention, and whether the request can reasonably be accepted.