The Honorary President and the Secretary are part of the Board of Directors with consultative power.


The activity of the Company is administered and directed by the Board of Directors, which exercises all the powers of the Company and said Board of Directors is the supreme administrative power of the Company.

The members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The Honorary President is vested with his position by the Board of Directors, which also appoints the Secretary.

To be a Director you do not need to be a Shareholder of the Company.

The legal representation of the Company and the General Power of Representation, disposition and ordinary and extraordinary administration are exercised jointly or separately by the President, the First Vice President and CEO, the Second Vice President and Auditor, and the Treasurer.

The Board of Directors may appoint Managers, Officers and Agents for specific areas of intervention, without their appointment implying their participation in the Board of Directors, the Representation of the Company and its Administration, establishing their responsibilities, limits and duration of the assignment.