Privacy and Cookie Policy

PROYTEC Group constantly ensures compliance with the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data because it believes that the protection of personal data is essential for building a relationship of trust with its customers.

The one who provides his data acts knowingly and PROYTEC Group intends to ensure maximum transparency in the treatment of personal data provided by customers.

PROYTEC Group is made up of different legal entities in various countries, which deal with services to entrepreneurs and businesses and makes use of contracted and independent professionals and an authorized distribution commercial network.

PROYTEC Group companies, professionals and members of the commercial network may collect and process personal data.

Their responsibility, in the processing of data, varies according to the role assumed by the Group company by the professional and the commercial in providing the various services.

Those who collect the data are also responsible as independent data controllers.

The customer can ask for a declaration of assumption of responsibility to be issued.

Only personal data that is pertinent and necessary in order to achieve the purposes for which the customer has contacted one or more Organizations or Structures of the PROYTEC Group is collected and is also processed for these purposes.

PROYTEC Group does not distribute, sell or rent the collected data to third parties, but reserves the right to transfer them to Partners involved in the development of the service requested by the customer.

In such cases, these Partners act as data controllers and their data processing policy applies to such shared data.

We make sure to ask the customer for consent to sharing when required by law, or otherwise, to allow the same customer to object.

The customer has the following rights:

  • Withdraw consent at any time.
  • Rectify the data if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Have the data deleted. This right may be limited in light of our contractual (contract in progress) or legal obligations (in particular prevention of legal action).

Personal data is stored on secure servers. We implement and require our Partners to adopt adequate security and data protection measures, in line with the latest technologies.

When the processing of personal data involves their transfer, we ensure that this transfer is carried out in suitable conditions that guarantee an adequate level of protection, security and confidentiality.

Our website also only collects cookies that are used to navigate, to optimize the site or to provide the service requested by the user.

To exercise his rights, the customer can send the request to the following email address: