ROCKEROTH Charity Fund is a Corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
All property (money or other property) received for the charitable purposes for which the Corporation is organized must be registered with the Supervision of Trustees and Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act, identifying the donors and their use.
Every charitable (public benefit) corporation, association, and trustee holding property for charitable purposes or doing business in the State of California must register with the Attorney General, except those exempted by Section 12583 of the California Government Code, including corporations organized primarily as a hospital, school, or religious organization.
A human being is not an object, not a thing, not just matter.
Using the term "resilience" for human beings, employed to indicate the ability of a material to withstand impacts without breaking, means treating oneself and all human beings like objects.
Human beings live, sometimes with agitated passions, emotions, feelings, anxieties, pains, and fantasies in that challenging, dizzying, and uncertain game that is life!
And one must always ask if the "resilient" are also capable of understanding those who can't make it, and therefore of assisting, comforting, and helping them.
If they know, besides "resilience", also caregiving, assistance, and care.
Because only those who know their own weakness are able to understand the weakness of others.
And they know how to help with words that are not of generic encouragement, but of genuine participation, what the Greeks called compassion, in the sense not of pity but of sharing in that common "suffering" from which no one can claim immunity.
It is necessary to rediscover participation, sociality, love, and to confine the individual pride flaunted by those who have always made it and consider themselves strong.
Sharing passions, emotions, feelings, and fantasies is much more beautiful than resisting, trying to win at all costs, and often isolating oneself.
Confucius once said: <A man is great not because he has not failed. Or because he has risen again. But because from that failure he has learned that what he now sees as a weakness, one day will become the strength of someone else. Because true strength is not surpassing those ahead of you, but reaching out to those walking behind you>.
The primary aims, objectives and purpose of the Corporation are charitable, humanitarian and social in nature.
The Corporation will be able to appoint Ambassadors in all Countries of the world.
The Ambassadors of the Corporation are responsible for:
The following Charity Fund Ambassadors are designated by the Statute.
Other Charity Fund Ambassadors may be designated by resolution of the Board of Directors.